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  • Debbie 

Aid to digestion: Due to its strong aroma, it helps in activating our taste and sensory elements and thus, aid digestion. “This enables the secretion of enzymes effective for digestion especially if consumed after heavy meals,” says Dr. Tyagi. Cardamom is good for curing stomach… Read More »Cardamom:

  • Debbie 

A Recipe for Hope

  • Debbie 

A recipe for finding hope in a valley of unknown. This is not an overnight, snap your fingers, blink of an eye, recipe. Like the many layers, most of us live with, it is gradually built/earned overtime. Unknown in the chronic journey includes many moments… Read More »A Recipe for Hope

Sweet Potatoes Soup

  • Debbie #TakeABite4GP On the #CureGP journey I decided to try to do a recipe with thoughts and advocacy interwoven into the post. When I was making the soup I took pictures while I was doing it, because I knew I was very GP foggy. I… Read More »Sweet Potatoes Soup

Pumkinspice Smoothie 

1 cup puréed pumpkin  1/2 cup ice cubes  1/4 avocado  2 tablespoons ground flax seed  1 tsp cardamom  1/4 tsp ginger or drops of ginger root extract  3 tablespoons apple sauce 1 cup coconut milk 1/ 2 cup apple cider  1/4 cup maple syrup, or… Read More »Pumkinspice Smoothie