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  • Debbie 

It Is Within

It is Within

We are about to be redeemed whether or not it is by “blue or red” the gift of our heritage in America’s right to 🗳 vote! It is/has been historical for so many both women and those of color who marched us toward the rights to be heard fully. Our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights embraces and empowers everyone in our great United States! We no longer ask for citizenship proof tests like jelly bean guessing or soup bubbles. We are overcoming other adversities to our voting rights, but human beings breathe and we are imperfect. Yet, we are also a nation who honors history, heritage, laws, and strives towards a more perfect union with each breath. It is with this knowledge, positivity, optimism, and action we continue to create a more vibrant array of truth empowering us towards every citizen’s vote being heard and counted.