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Gastroparesis = Slot Machine 🍒🍋🍇

I was just thinking… Always a dangerous pursuit..

After thinking about trying to describe what it is like trying to determine what to try to put in your body, when you have no idea how the contents of anything will be received! And what came to mind was a slot machine! While I have only pulled the handle of one maybe a handful of times, I know enough to make the comparison! 

And truthfully I think the slot machine may have better returns on your investment than we get from trying to receive a benefit from our efforts with anything in our slot machine defective guts! I never enjoyed the slot machine experience because I felt like I was rolling down the road throwing money out a car window! But at least my emotional and intellectual pain could be stopped as soon as I decided to walk away! 

Living with Gastroparesis, we cannot walk away nor determine whether this day will be an ok day for the smoothie, soup, or drink that was ok yesterday! And God help you if you give-in to the urge to appear “normal” and eat the thing you know is going to be misery! So yes Gastroparesis is like a slot machine! 🍋🍋🍋 one day and on other days … 🍒🍒🍒. Or it is just a mixture 🍌🍓🍑 you never know what and how the food/liquids are going to effect you!