I weep in a silence so loud it could blow buildings off the Earth!
I smile with a sadness so pretty it could crack all the mirrors in Perth!
I live in a pain so deep it should take my breath but I still speak!
I look at you with joy while everything seems so completely bleak!
I choose the forward instead of the back to not break!
I let you see to bring you closer to the incurable
I tell you the lie to then tell you the truth to save you from drowning
5 plus million know the meaning of holding a mirror in front of them
See, you see you… And only the bits & pieces of a truth!
Gastroparesis is a fathom of pain,
no one should walk alone
Much less be left without Awareness, Treatments, Research, or a cure
I have let you come in now
What are you going do to now, that you know?