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Empowering-Seeing Success -Priceless!

What can I say? 

What can I do today! To lift you, encourage you? It is the reason I exsist! I found my purpose and it makes my #GlitterSpirit so very happy! 

How do I let you know in this moment you are the most beautifully, wonderfully made one-of-a-kind priceless being of all time!? Without limits- except those you place upon yourself! (I know there will be defeats! They make you stronger! I know there will be bad days! I know the violence of society! But we must meet these with Peace, Grace,Love! Always being an Eagle! Not saying this is easy, but it is empowering !! We control how we react & respond!)

How do I show you your worth – not through the eyes of the ravages of multiple chronic illnesses!? But of those to 

see your worth? As an amazing funny, kind, generous, smart individual! 

Please see the value of your worth – not through the ravages of time- but the gift of wisdom, Grace, Lessons Learned, Strength gained! We need a culture shift to see your worth & others as beauty in celebrate!

We need to find our unconditional love we give to our children – if we are doing  this journey right? The love I have for my child & his/her friend are equal . Prayerfully their Mom’s are Loved unconditionally as well! We are in the village. 

The one which does not tear apart, reform, rip its culture, reeducate, and give new names for an entire group of people because “we” think “we” understand God better than they do. I pray each and every day this division,  hate, and unrest will  grow weary and put itself down. I am not foolish .. I know it has been stoked as old as time. But we are filled with kind. Empathetic, persons who across time into today who know Grace, Peace, and Love can make amazing things happen! Mother Theresa, Gahandi, Tolstoy, Dr ML King, Mandela, MayaAngalou, there have been so many who knew this philosophy and variations thereof.  When we are moving from a place of unconditional love that is not based in a “titfortat” or “quidproqoa” nor is giving given with an expectation of return. In fact, it would hurt my heart, to be given things, when this unconditional love is about the intangibles of this world! Those things which cannot be purchased, but hold the most value. 

How do I share with you the simple truth I give from me a lil cog … A peon? How does all of this relate to #GP & Me you may be asking? Here is my mission/purpose/calling I must be of service while also being homebound myself .. 

Remember there is no such thing as can’t! All things are possible! It fulfills me to help, encourage, motivate, and see you succeed! 

The #GP part? Our “2nd brain” is in our stomach! If our endorphins (the hormones which tell us we are “ok’) are not balanced or depleted due to stress!? Then it sets off a flare from GP. If  you have migraines then you have then triggered events to set-off migraines. This is the link & motivation behind this avenue. 

I also believe prayer, scripture has been deeply  beneficial to me but I will not push it on anyone. The act of encouragement, motivation, & helping is universal! I believe will always believe their are not street signs in Heaven designating denominations—> Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist,Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Missionary A.M.E. Baptist, The Christian Church, Church of Christ, 7Th Day Adventist,  I cannot quite create a spiritual denominational division or suburbia – can you? 

What I can envision is a way to reconcile our temporary journey with “The Greatest of these is Love.” Jesus, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Tolstoy, Mandela, Dr ML King Jr, and more all understood these concepts and the power of  Peace,  Grace, and Love.  Celebrating you, encouraging each other is  Happiness our world becomes a better place! 

With this Grace we will get #HR2311 passed #HR2311 Cosponsor request