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Soulful Grace +3

My blog this #SoulfulSunday with advocacy of #MotilityDisorders is more of a flow chart of thoughts for what I want for our community I am using Dr Thomas Abell’s information from the University of Louisvile Ky & their Motilty Clinic as a blueprint guide to lead this discussion As I was trying to look through all of the information provided by the largest sources available to our communities? I then went to medtronics to see if they would have all of the doctors in the state taking care of gastric electrical stimulators… To my dismay? There was a gap .. How did I know this? It is by applying a known set of facts into their search information for a doctor into a specific zip code – {now this may be an anomaly but I feel led to pursue this} I do not see this as a failure of an upper level issue but has more to do with the complexity of care with insurance. Whichever the case our investigation on this will perhaps enlighten us on this issue. 

We will be doing follow-up calls on this but it is an example of how to use what appears to be a negative?

 As a source of educational enlightenment. It takes energy and precious time to coral our thoughts into cohesive action.. So #Blessed #Hope 

I knew there was a doctor available to treat our motility disorder. This caused me to wonder if there were more doctors available to a community in desperate need of compassionate competent medical care in almost every state. 

So, if you, as a patient, go in to a doctor’s clinic armed with the sufficient information to make the best decisions for your body/Heath well-being you feel better overall. As a newly diagnosed or trying to find an answer –information or the information to ask –is priceless you must be your own best advocate. (I.e. If the motility clinic does not do some part of the testing or offer part of the quality of life procedures-you ask why? Upon this explanation-whatever it is ready yourself for the next line of questions, take note cards in with questions… Ask the doctor if they are comfortable with recording -simply so you can retain all of the information. ) 

Sources mentioned or helpful to the community. 

Angel Flight Service  If you are in need of an Angel Flight in Ark, Louisiana, TX, New Mexico this is the link with the information