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Are you ready to show your support for Our #GPMillions #Green4GP Support on March 17th? 


Remember we are on the #GPNetwork #GPFacilitators an equal opportunity sharer of all things on the road to #Cures #CureGP

#MotilityMonday #CureGP #HR1187 
- #GPReporters on the #GPNetwork who are also cross reporting from the #Chronic & #Spoonie communities. Motility Disorders, Autoimmune, Mitochondrial Diseases, Diabetes, and many others Rare, Incurable,Invisible, “But You Don’t Look Sick,” 

– So many ready to stand up, with,in, for,alongside, share, Be a part of – Be a Voice of those -without a voice! 

– #ChronicTimes #GPReporters #SpoonieLife 

-We are the voice, the reporters! 

24/7/365 you use your amazing voice 

You say, Good Morning! #CureGP 

You share the most amazing inspirational creative educational posters & posts on social media! How can this be true? Because you LIVE & OVERCOME the diagnosis- you are you! Your DNA is one of a kind -no one in this world 🌎 can do this like you! By not being defined by the diagnosis or letting adversity overtake you? You shine your truth!

 “Adversity keeps trying to make our acquaintance but we keep refusing to shake its hand.” dst 

BECAUSE WE OWN OUR TRUTH – our DNA. Our Crisis meets our opportunity when we realize our content will be told by us -those who live it day in day out, the WARRIORS. 

#GPReporters let’s do our awareness days! #MotilityMonday #TPNTubieTuesday #WarriorWednesday #ThankfulThursday #FactFriday #Green4GP #ShareAStorySaturday #SoulfulSunday 

-It is a pretty big deal, when our bodies do not properly process the very thing we need to live! If we become “weak” and “give-in” to our need to eat? (If we still have it!? You know? The desire to eat? An appetite? Some do not–it is gone!) 

We pay dearly for “giving in” to this “weakness” of eating a lil bit of food! It may have been the smallest bit of the most common of foods everyone takes for granted. Perhaps it was a few bites of pasta, or hamburger, pizza, hotdog, it may  have been a roll? It doesn’t matter…it may vary the amount of “payback” –because some with motility disorders like gastroparesis and colonic inertia – chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction syndrome? May or may not have pain? But a lot with this combo have severe pain, upon trying to eat solids. So, the “payback” could be? Nausea (this is not a mild type of nausea. …it is intense –can’t move or function nausea) vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Then there could be severe pain for days because of the lack of motility and the small portions (bites) are suspended-almost hung in the digestive tract causing pain –for taking bites of perhaps a sushi roll? Many with severe motility disorders do not eat solids for this very reason. It is confusing for those without the disorders because they just think “well they can eat, when they want to!” Most of us do not break down the play by play of what happens when we try to eat & drink.. some don’t understand it themselves! How are they going to help everyone else? Especially if they do not have proper medical care? 

#GPReporting on trying to eat with #Chronic #Spoonie #Obstructions on board