If we let our light shine,
If we let our hearts be known,
If we let our insides out be seen,
No one will turn away
From the Grace we pray for every day
Because they will see it was them
We were praying for
So they would never have to be
Walking in our shoes
If we let our lights shine
Each & every day
Eventually all will see
We mean what we say
We intend to fight
Each & every day
For #Cures #CureGP
Our light of day
#Green4GP to #CureGP
We Will shine into evening
Reminding us of the loss
How it must stop
The light we shine is for awareness
To arrive at the day
Where it will not be you nor me
Because we did it! #CureGP with #Advocacy
Our #Green4GP lights led the way of #Advocacy