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  • Debbie 

You Get A-Pole (IV-Fish)

I’ll get a pole

maybe you’ll get a spoon

Lets all meet under a sun or a moon

Maybe you’ll get

a stick or a fork just don’t get stuck into you or me

we’ll all meet up at #TakeABite4GP

Or the nearest fishing hole–If you don’t have #GP

If you do? We may end up at a smoothie bar or an ER

instead of a Fish & Chips with an ale or Brew at the corner Pub

Will you post/Tweet/Instagram/Facebook/ or the like to

Help save or bring awareness to the 5+ million #Staving4ACure

#HR1187 in the #USA OUR #MotilityBill budget neutral piece of legislation in committee requiring #Cosponsors easy links to request your representative/s in the #USA To cosponsor #HR1187

At the crawdad hole

We won’t even need a pole if we #CureGP

Won’t be able to take a bite of those – shrimp, fish, or much else with #GP which is gastroparesis a digestive disease- a range of #Motility #issues arrive at the fishing hole with an IV pole, antiemetics, pump, fluids, #antiemetic bags, we role!

We want to fish y’all and do fun things with y’all, but we say #IamOkayNow #SpeakBelieveReceive

Not just watch– >> with you!!

#PassATag please share and post #WarriorTag to spread, share, create mass #awareness with #WarriorTag

We are #GPReporting our #empathetic #Worldwide #Campaign with our #MotilityBill #HR1187

#FGIMD #IBS to create a #Victory in #Cures #CureGP #Green4GP #CureMito #Green4Mito #AlphaOmega #BeginningToTheEnd #Infinity #Amen #Sēläh

(not all of us, but some of us do! Some of us, love love love fly-fishing! We may not talk about it too much because it is harder close up!)