Unconditional + Love + Support
Kindness + Gentleness+ Patience + Love + Joy + Peace in unconditional Love = Happiness to the 9nth degree priceless blessings on our human- chronic journey creates an indescribable healing journey experience.
When soulmates are Graced by God in the midst of Purpose a rainbow warrior journey will burst into glitter sparkles at the slightest moment it becomes under attack.
During the holidays we are often on a roller coaster of emotions. Some of us have reflections from past holidays spent with those no loner with us, but love never dies. The memories of love live in our hearts and minds. It is the feelings and acts in infinite ways. The lessons we were shown through kindness blooms into every crevice of our physical, spiritual, emotional, holistic, mental journey experience. My parents shared the gift of kindness in giving from unconditional love. The beautiful unconditional love we receive when a gift is given anonymously and we see the joy and happiness of the blessing. It is this happiness from unconditional love which keeps love living past, present, and future. We can hold onto to true meaning of unconditional love and its warmth in a few seconds of reflection whenever it is needed into infinity. Love, Peace, Grace, Joy, Happiness, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, all increase our love memories throughout time. May each of you be blessed by an unconditional love.