You already are
I love you through and through
The turn of your head, the thought of you in my mind, has nothing to do with the place that measure mankind,
It is your being, the breath of fresh air I breathe and know you are in this world – a dream already fulfilled.
I think of my dear child at two, three, four, then at the moment you were to go through the door.
Of what the world world would bring to the mixture
Of what determined the you I already knew
So, as you go through your daily routine, know you are already there my love,
Perfect you stand in my arms
Love sees you as the answer to whatever you wish to be, but all I ask is for you to never doubt the love
I have in me for the beauty inside of you
Days can bring nights that make a body wonder if anyone listens in this crazy world
The sanity of insane begins with the uncertainty of one
Maybe you are the one that shakes the hand or hugs the one that triggers the memory of love.
Real or imagined everyone deserves the peace of earth where no one waits to judge the legs of another sister or brother.
You are LOVED. You are already there my love.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, I love the person that is YOU!