I was looking all around the church, even as deer panteth,
I found the smallest of acts could bring something to your smile
One day we turned around and saw a turtle floating upon a log. We asked the kids to look and see if they could count all of the ones lining themselves and sunning in the bright shiny day! There seemed to be more with every mile …more and more
We saved 27 turtles on the way to the grandparents that spring day… it still makes me smile
It was so long ago but my first deer hunting trip was rather different I had never been before, so as I was placed in a stand with a gun, a camera, and instructions along with buckets of apprehension I saw a deer approaching, I had flashes of Bambi floating through my mind! I was in the wrong place and time! I snapped a picture and ~ and “accidentally” made noise to scare poor Bambi away! To live another day! My one and only deer hunting excursion still holds smiles!
Fly-Fishing is more my kind of thing. What about you? Or white water rafting? Or maybe a little hiking? Or simply strolling through a field of wildflowers in your mind? Will this help you find your smile? When everything gets turned upside down and you need to find resources inside to keep yourself peaceful and calm? By all means go strolling through the things which help you find your smile, it will take into the days for miles and miles!
I, as you will eventually come to know am a hat model In my imagination, I am partial to taking off on the Appalachian Trail and am never hesitant to taking a few buddies on a stroll! If you are into laughing and imagination! We can find our smiles!
God has no limits and puts hindsfeet upon us to leap into His High places without boundaries or denominations it helps us to find our smiles with Joy Cometh in the Morning!
Amen Sēläh