#TheEvent #WeAreRare aka #Special We are #Millions upon #Millions in our many #Chronic communities.
Our #Greenness #Muchness #Spoonie is a #Special #Advocacy #LivingLoud towards #Cures
#SocialMedia #NonProfits, #Warriors, #SupportGroups, #MedicalTeams, #ChronicCommunities, all coming #together for our greater good/ #Awareness!
#Green4GP to #CureGP #Green4Mito to #CureMito #TogetherWeFightTogetherWeWin
#HearMeGP #BeBold #Dazzle4rare #RareDisease
#HelpingEachOther #Advocates #Warriors #GPReporters #InOurFieldOfDreams #BuildItAndTheyWillCome #Better #Treatments #Research #QOL #QOC OUR #2by2 year goes forward with #belief #Faith #Grace #unconditional #support and #love all is possible!
#KeepTheFaith #Cures -> change happens in our deepest of valleys – our weakest of moments. Our journey has led us to be #StrongerWarriors like an alchemist knows their purification produces pure/true precious gold or silver. Each of our #Warriors have been purified by their #TrialByFire journey! #NEGU #IAmOkayNow #Positivity #Optimism regardless of our lows… our fellow #Warriors with our #Faith reminds us -we are #OneOfAKind #Unique speaking our truth to #Cures #CureGP #CureMito #Cure4All #Incurable2Curable #Invisible2Visible
I know there are so many #Gastroparesis #Motility #Incurable #Invisible #Chronic hashtags.. I am bound to miss many on my first try! Always time to add & I would honored to have more added in the comments.