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Happy #TubieTPNTuesday !! 2/7/2017   We celebrate you being you, we also #Advocate lift all #Spoonies!!   No you are not defined by your diagnosis! Yet we #Overcome the reality & shift paradigms with a focus driven by optimism, positivity, & Empathy with Grace increasing serotonin (FROM—->>WIKIPEDIA-… Read More »#TubieTPNTuesday

Can You?GP

Why do you think Gastroparesis seems more prevalent in women than men? Well I could get into a physiological explanation of my opinion–>  without a doctor’s degree, training, or knowledge. I could suggest the hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts rupturing, structure of our bodies create  a… Read More »Can You?GP

#IVoted & #CIP Sat🕯Down

#IVoted in the midst of an episode of telling myself “I think it’s getting better ” 5th day #CIPO sometimes shortened to #CIP for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction Syndrome – it’s an average thing in motility disorder world when you have Gastroparesis, colon inertia, & mito… Read More »#IVoted & #CIP Sat🕯Down