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  • Debbie 

Time is True

Time Is True

We have now

the truth of us

the joy of our mystery

lives inside each of us

we beseech all to be true

Not so much- roses are red, violets are blue

Kind of poetry, not this.

time is true

purges all who pursue

from who all blessings flow

we are guided by now

as it should be

by what we know

sharing from where we grow

for the betterment of humanity

of us all, speaking our truth

All for one+ One for All

It never changes – it is ever faithful

Whether it is a musketeer

or Mother Theresa

We are all blessed being cogs

in service to our truth

do unto others as we would

have done unto ourselves

time is true

empowering ourselves and others

towards a truth higher in purpose

than oneself for our greater good

Do no harm

whilst seeking our truth

time is true