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February 2017

Thank you, Warriors

Prayer Meditate (Reservoir empty beep beep beep— enter to reset volume)  Some know – some empathize – some are our Warriors in arm in arm! Who know of which we speak,,, the best kind when the energy levels go to -5 (yes a negative 5)… Read More »Thank you, Warriors


Happy #TubieTPNTuesday !! 2/7/2017   We celebrate you being you, we also #Advocate lift all #Spoonies!!   No you are not defined by your diagnosis! Yet we #Overcome the reality & shift paradigms with a focus driven by optimism, positivity, & Empathy with Grace increasing serotonin (FROM—->>WIKIPEDIA-… Read More »#TubieTPNTuesday

Advocacy #CureGP #Free

A #GPReporter #MotilityMonday thought lesson  It is laid bare – swiftly so swiftly does this wave come for us,  We are prepared! We did not sit idly by!  No! Not I Myself and I –  #GPNation Millions  of us in countless layered multi-Dx’d  asking telling… Read More »Advocacy #CureGP #Free

May We? Speak?

May I share with you a deep truth today? It may not be well said, but it is heartfelt. We are a community heartbroken by loss with two (another I saw added late in the day by another sister in the community known through their… Read More »May We? Speak?