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My Gastroparesis Journey 10/16/2017

  • Debbie 

My Gastroparesis/MotilityDisorder/ #POTS #CIPO Colon Inertia #Migraine- Mitochondrial-Malabsorption Journey While keeping an #IamOkayNow Attitude with Advocacy The beginning. I believe my journey began in 1989 with the first migraine, but I didn’t realize it. The first migraine I had was a reaction to Indocin. I… Read More »My Gastroparesis Journey 10/16/2017

We Are The Cogs

  • Debbie 

I’m Nobody! Who are you? Emily Dickinson, 1830 – 1886 I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know! How dreary – to be – Somebody! How public – like a Frog – To tell one’s name – the livelong June – To an admiring Bog!… Read More »We Are The Cogs

A #FactFriday #BeSeenBeingGreen4GP

Happy #Green4GP to #CureGP #TheEvent #FactFriday y’all are amazing #warriors “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” You know the phrase is legendary and so are y’all! #Patient_Advocates taking confusion, adversity, no’s, dead ends negative thoughts, pessimism and turning it all to the greater good for a better outcome… sometimes… Read More »A #FactFriday #BeSeenBeingGreen4GP

Picture This~~

1) You are a sink (yet still have emotions) and your plumbing is completely backed up it keeps – seeping- tiny squirts of liquid every now and then (from your bottom) but it is an implosion of stinky backed up vile smells on the sink… Read More »Picture This~~