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Foundation of Me

  • Debbie 

I keep a “Bible of Me” typed out – which I need to print out for a clean version. It is approximately 5 pages long. Why? I do this to keep a mental healthy me. A simple and lighter version of me, while I fight… Read More »Foundation of Me

My Gastroparesis Journey 10/16/2017

  • Debbie 

My Gastroparesis/MotilityDisorder/ #POTS #CIPO Colon Inertia #Migraine- Mitochondrial-Malabsorption Journey While keeping an #IamOkayNow Attitude with Advocacy The beginning. I believe my journey began in 1989 with the first migraine, but I didn’t realize it. The first migraine I had was a reaction to Indocin. I… Read More »My Gastroparesis Journey 10/16/2017

New Procedures/GP

  • Debbie 

New Treatment Trials /Procedures for Gastroparesis /Motility Digestive Disease Disorders I think it is always helpful to add information and explanation Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) | Johns Hopkins Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Early human experience with Per-Oral Endoscopic Pyloromyotomy (POP). – SAGES Abstract… Read More »New Procedures/GP


  • Debbie All things are possible. A thought is an idea waiting to become a reality upon meeting a knowledgeable optimistic person whose paradigms are not defined but beautifully blurred with positivity. dst 8/16/17 It is great connecting with others who know their thoughts and actions… Read More »#WarriorsDazzle

Thank you, Warriors

Prayer Meditate (Reservoir empty beep beep beep— enter to reset volume)  Some know – some empathize – some are our Warriors in arm in arm! Who know of which we speak,,, the best kind when the energy levels go to -5 (yes a negative 5)… Read More »Thank you, Warriors


Happy #TubieTPNTuesday !! 2/7/2017   We celebrate you being you, we also #Advocate lift all #Spoonies!!   No you are not defined by your diagnosis! Yet we #Overcome the reality & shift paradigms with a focus driven by optimism, positivity, & Empathy with Grace increasing serotonin (FROM—->>WIKIPEDIA-… Read More »#TubieTPNTuesday

May We? Speak?

May I share with you a deep truth today? It may not be well said, but it is heartfelt. We are a community heartbroken by loss with two (another I saw added late in the day by another sister in the community known through their… Read More »May We? Speak?

Can You?GP

Why do you think Gastroparesis seems more prevalent in women than men? Well I could get into a physiological explanation of my opinion–>  without a doctor’s degree, training, or knowledge. I could suggest the hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts rupturing, structure of our bodies create  a… Read More »Can You?GP