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February 2016

#CureGP #Gastroparesis 

When you are on your knees, crying, struggling to breathe, praying for relief, desperately clinging to the steps which have worked for you in the past? You begin your self-talk speaking… Calm, slow your roll, keep it trill, ten seconds in , ten seconds out,… Read More »#CureGP #Gastroparesis 

#Gastroparesis #Waves #Anchor

Why #AnchorFM #AnchorWaves makes a lot of sense for those of us battling #Gastroparesis a #MotilityDisorder.  This app is not just a great concept to step into the podcast format and spread #GastroparesisAwareness but its name innately works metaphorically literally & figuratively. While struggling to… Read More »#Gastroparesis #Waves #Anchor

Are We Out Of 1969? 

I am wondering, if the history of the physiology of your disease once had professionals calling you Crazy, hysterical, with an upset stomach because there were no answers & it predominantly occurred in women. And we can all understand, actually we cannot, anymore than we… Read More »Are We Out Of 1969?