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How We Advocate

  • Debbie 

Chronic Warriors/Advocates/ #GPReporters – How We Approach Advocacy How can we advocate with our numerous chronic illnesses, lift our communities by sharing our journey while speaking our truth with a positive voice and an uplifting message? We are, in many ways, ambassadors of chronic. We… Read More »How We Advocate


  • Debbie 

BEHOLD Please, see with me the most brilliant group of technicolor/s you have ever yet to see. Next, please inhale with me the most heavenly of scents you have yet to smell. Now, carefully mute all of your devices, put in your headphones, buds, whatever… Read More »Behold

My Steps Are In Accord

  • Debbie 

My Steps Are In Accord With Prayers/the Universe What do I mean? I would like you to picture a walkway say 100 yards long. The length of a football field. It is approximately 3 feet wide. When the river is down you can see cracked… Read More »My Steps Are In Accord


  • Debbie 

As we begin to proceed into a brand new shiny new year… I wonder how our community the #ChronicWarriors #GPReporters will look at our new year? I do this numerology thing of arriving at a single digit for a day of a year…. 2018 is… Read More »1-1-2018

The Bear and The Burden

  • Debbie 

The burden and the bear We sometimes know not what to wear, the clothes seem to hide what is not shown. A burden is not inside. What we must hide? The place that came about one day from inside? We were hunting and being the… Read More »The Bear and The Burden

The Patriot

  • Debbie 

THE PATRIOT It seems the American dream has stalled. Division, chaos, hate and fear threaten to consume us all the bickering from Both sides of the political aisle needs to stop I think congress should be put on a time clock Let them Work a… Read More »The Patriot