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How we found a way to turn up the volume on a lil cheer, laughter, & happiness! While brain storming about how we (meaning a lot of a community facing many #ChronicIllnesses) can use the lil Santa Elf to (who was patiently waiting in Hobby… Read More »#GPElfie

Can You?GP

Why do you think Gastroparesis seems more prevalent in women than men? Well I could get into a physiological explanation of my opinion–>  without a doctor’s degree, training, or knowledge. I could suggest the hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts rupturing, structure of our bodies create  a… Read More »Can You?GP


How did I know?  Your fingerprint told me so.  It said, “She/He is THE ONE!”  The best at all she/he does in all she/he does when moving through life as herself/himself, she/he wins- won!  You say, “Insufficient evidence?” I say, “Oh no, it is not… Read More »How?


Happy Thanksgiving! Because all of you are with all of me I want to share a memory. They say a picture is worth 1000 words or perhaps a  million I wouldn’t know but what I do you know, all of you are with all of… Read More »#AllOfMe 

Did the Tree Speak?

When we speak~~ is it the tree in the woods falling ~~~ages old question & scenario?  Did it make a sound, if no one heard it? This is our vulnerability with a chronic illness. We try to keep our strength up, both emotionally, physically, spiritually,… Read More »Did the Tree Speak?


Whether it is recipes, support, advocacy or just laughs with others in #GPNation or other #MotilityDisorders #Gastroparesis #IBS crohn’s or whatever autoimmune disorder which may limit your energy this #2016Holidays you can find a group on Facebook to help you work your way through the… Read More »#2016Holidays

November 1999

How to use your thoughts of #Optimism #Positivity #Hope to keep #ChronicIllness #MotilityDisorders like #Gastroparesis #ChronicIntestinalPseudoObstruction #ColonInertia #MitochondrialMalabsorption from defining you or more importantly making you more miserable than you need to be. I began my infusion therapies during this time of the year in… Read More »November 1999

What I Was Taught.

My Warrior voice says, thank you,  Why? Because you taught me I have no control.  What a strange thing to say, thank you to, right?  But all of the loss taught me my minimal win was the most important & what truly mattered.  When I… Read More »What I Was Taught.


I am going to give an insight into a place I rarely write as personal entry. I do not do this because I am a “We”  not an “I” ~ this is a purposeful exercise. I am a patient/advocate and what I try to do… Read More »#MotilityMoonShot