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  • Debbie 

Are you an advocate seeking to do all you can with your spoon/s, literally & figuratively? Mentally digesting (yes, the laughter of visualization of it al!:-) Functional Gastrointestinal and has Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2019 #FGIMD #Motility #Digestive #HR3396 The International Foundation… Read More »Advocacy-2019

Advocacy 2019

  • Debbie 

Are you an advocate seeking to do all you can with your spoon/s, literally & figuratively? Mentally digesting (yes, the laughter of visualization of it al!:-) Functional Gastrointestinal and has Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2019 #FGIMD #Motility #Digestive #HR3396 The International Foundation… Read More »Advocacy 2019

Rare Disease Day 2/28/2019

  • Debbie 

Seeking cures is a journey. Life is filled with lessons. We are not liabilities nor disabilities, but beautiful works of art reflecting each other’s lives upon this brief canvas. If I see you, you hear me, we feel each other, then all of us will… Read More »Rare Disease Day 2/28/2019

A Choice? Nay It Is Not!

  • Debbie 

Your/my appointment/placement on our planet is not your nor my choice/predetermination_ your skin, hair, gender, eyes, are not your doing nor decision. We are here as a united community of humanity. Therein, what we choose to do as a part our mutual membership in this… Read More »A Choice? Nay It Is Not!

Medical Walmart

  • Debbie 

#SpoonieSunday #Gastroparesis #CureGP #Tweet_Eat #Empathy #Awareness#worldwide better #treatment #research #QOL #QOC #Cures #diabetes #mito #POTS#CIP #ColonicInertia #ChronicMigraines #Chronic #Illnesses #invisible#incurable layered with multiple diagnoses often, but without multiple successful #treatments #research #statistics leading towards viable solutions to help comorbidity rates often faced by the millions… Read More »Medical Walmart

A Recipe for Hope

  • Debbie 

A recipe for finding hope in a valley of unknown. This is not an overnight, snap your fingers, blink of an eye, recipe. Like the many layers, most of us live with, it is gradually built/earned overtime. Unknown in the chronic journey includes many moments… Read More »A Recipe for Hope