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  • Debbie 

I was Reading, Thinking, & Praying Leviticus 11 3/21/2018 Thinking, reading, praying, contemplating on the Lord’s explanation of what is clean and unclean It is with this in mind… as I do my Linzess in the background of #MotilityDigestiveDisease #PeaceBoat prayers ..I pray for all… Read More »Advocacy/Prayer

We See Advocates

  • Debbie 

Advocates #GPReporters #ChronicWarriors #Warriors #Communicators #Helpers #Friends advocates lift others on a regular basis, they enter & leave a space making others feel a positivity in the worst of times, regardless of the circumstances. They know the impact of emotional waves & how they ripple… Read More »We See Advocates


  • Debbie 

Sometimes we have to use our energy/spoons to focus on healing ourselves. In a migraine, it takes every single bit of energy I have to focus on my biofeedback training. I slow my breathing, then my heartbeat, heart rate, and hold it purposely to a… Read More »Focus


  • Debbie 

I hope and pray. Each and every single day, my actions, words, interactions, physically, spiritually show you my truth. The truth of my legacy. The Wheel of Legacy- from which – I am a cog- a peon – it is far larger, grander, more meaningful,… Read More »LEGACY

How We Advocate

  • Debbie 

Chronic Warriors/Advocates/ #GPReporters – How We Approach Advocacy How can we advocate with our numerous chronic illnesses, lift our communities by sharing our journey while speaking our truth with a positive voice and an uplifting message? We are, in many ways, ambassadors of chronic. We… Read More »How We Advocate

You Get A-Pole (IV-Fish)

  • Debbie 

I’ll get a pole maybe you’ll get a spoon Lets all meet under a sun or a moon Maybe you’ll get a stick or a fork just don’t get stuck into you or me we’ll all meet up at #TakeABite4GP Or the nearest fishing hole–If… Read More »You Get A-Pole (IV-Fish)


  • Debbie 

We send our love and support unconditionally to all #ChronicWarriors 24/7/365