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Advocacy in Action

  • Debbie 

Sometimes just creating a different kind of energy for an uplifting moment helps us/me past a chronic experience. Even if it isn’t ever seen or used on a served its higher purpose from within me. The energy aka spoons it took for me to… Read More »Advocacy in Action


  • Debbie 

Aid to digestion: Due to its strong aroma, it helps in activating our taste and sensory elements and thus, aid digestion. “This enables the secretion of enzymes effective for digestion especially if consumed after heavy meals,” says Dr. Tyagi. Cardamom is good for curing stomach… Read More »Cardamom:


  • Debbie 

Confidence Making sure confidence isn’t a accomplishment nor an opportunity to undermine ourselves through a collection of past memories. Seeing our futures through a lens of half full, speaking a belief, speak to receive a thought into existence. A philosophy of healing our physical self… Read More »Confidence

What Motivates You?

  • Debbie 

What Motivates You? There isn’t a right or wrong answer. A shared story is an insight of inspiration from one warrior to another. #ShareAStorySaturday advocacy over adversity We are empowering ourselves into a better breath inhaling our strength with an exhaled adversity. Me, it is… Read More »What Motivates You?

It’s Like This

  • Debbie 

It’s like this …. Chronic journey #BeYou! Everyday always 24/7/2020 Everyday is a masterpiece Every moment is fabulousitynessuniqnes Magnificent on blast + actified You are an exquisite blessing matched by no one! Every breath an attribute to be timelessly treasured whenever you have enough energy… Read More »It’s Like This