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Charity /Advocate Who We Are

  • Debbie 

#ShareASpoonSaturday We are patient and kind while sending our virtual spoons out to each other worldwide. Millions with incurable illnesses living with chronic illnesses. Lifting each other up in charity. Charity is never selfish, haughty or rude. We live each day in advocacy over our… Read More »Charity /Advocate Who We Are


  • Debbie 

A Red-lorded Amazon A pandemonium of parrots…. all seeing us with their Intent gaze… What do they see & perceive of us? Do we attribute our thoughts unto them? A hand fed baby will not know itself to be a bird, It thinks differently about… Read More »Pandemonium

If We Build It -Dreams

  • Debbie 

We need warriors in each area of our state to reach out to their gastroenterologists in their area. I believe we have gastroenterologists who are able to handle our care, but we need to actually reach out, actively inquire, while explaining the needs of our… Read More »If We Build It -Dreams

  • Debbie 

Why hats matter to me. What began as a cool comfort.. transitioned into comfort into a deeper meaning. I have always been fascinated by our fellow humans on this planet.. their villages, culture, history and humanity. We were meant to love, support, and lift each… Read More »

Just A Glimpse

  • Debbie 

I am posting a thought… why to explain part of this blogging process for me. When I write, there are truly so many blessings, factors, inspirations, pieces of information influencing the world of mind, emotions, spiritual gift of words… with this said… the previous post… Read More »Just A Glimpse


  • Debbie 

E PLURIBUS UNUM OUR CONNECTIONS/LAYERS We are inclusive and exclusive all at the same time. We project our inner reality sometimes. At other times, we project the exact opposite consciously or unconsciously in an open dialogue with our world. The choices we make, the accessories… Read More »E PLURIBUS UNUM

Sharing The #GPTruthofItAll

  • Debbie 

While we are living our best lives, we sometimes have to do our best in hard situations. We were on a short fishing/photo/walking-trip. As we began our outing today, “Mr GreenFisherMan expedition”–> to find a bow fishing location. We took several photos to remember our… Read More »Sharing The #GPTruthofItAll