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Dance vs Complain

We gave you ugly and you see beauty, are you crazy?  No, not Us!  Your life is in shambles to an onlooker even some say “a prison.” Still you say a “sanctuary,?” Me thinks your marbles have escaped your Royal Crown, infused bag of “natural”… Read More »Dance vs Complain


Happy Thanksgiving! Because all of you are with all of me I want to share a memory. They say a picture is worth 1000 words or perhaps a  million I wouldn’t know but what I do you know, all of you are with all of… Read More »#AllOfMe 


Whether it is recipes, support, advocacy or just laughs with others in #GPNation or other #MotilityDisorders #Gastroparesis #IBS crohn’s or whatever autoimmune disorder which may limit your energy this #2016Holidays you can find a group on Facebook to help you work your way through the… Read More »#2016Holidays

#IVoted & #CIP Sat🕯Down

#IVoted in the midst of an episode of telling myself “I think it’s getting better ” 5th day #CIPO sometimes shortened to #CIP for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction Syndrome – it’s an average thing in motility disorder world when you have Gastroparesis, colon inertia, & mito… Read More »#IVoted & #CIP Sat🕯Down

What I Was Taught.

My Warrior voice says, thank you,  Why? Because you taught me I have no control.  What a strange thing to say, thank you to, right?  But all of the loss taught me my minimal win was the most important & what truly mattered.  When I… Read More »What I Was Taught.


I am going to give an insight into a place I rarely write as personal entry. I do not do this because I am a “We”  not an “I” ~ this is a purposeful exercise. I am a patient/advocate and what I try to do… Read More »#MotilityMoonShot

#RCAW #RightCare =

#RCAW #RightCare #RightCareActionWeek  @LownInstitute   No matter our income (which may get a buffer —  briefly! No one can afford the costs for long !!! It is very very expensive to be #Starving4ACure #Dying4ACure >>>> a lack of #RightCare!  When 1 is turned away, to… Read More »#RCAW #RightCare =

Be Visible

My invisibility is not a burden upon your society unless you ignore our pain There is nothing to say in this vast sea of brokenness but a celebration of service  Eagles always acknowledge that which made them this way See buzzards & pigs ask questions… Read More »Be Visible


Here are some links to our multi-level issues faced by – not all- but so many of us!  #FGIMD #GP #MITO #EDS #POTS #MotilityDisorders #CIPO #SBBO  #InvisibleIllness —  this is just a starting point I will be adding to it as I find more resources. … Read More »#InvisibleNoMore

Did You Know?

If you #TakeABite with a tummy or Digestive Tract which is “normal” ? It goes #swimmingly well! (Minus the occasional virus or upset tummy – but imagine having the flu {without a high fever or a few of the other symptoms} or food poisoning  –… Read More »Did You Know?