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It’s Like This

  • Debbie 

It’s like this …. Chronic journey #BeYou! Everyday always 24/7/2020 Everyday is a masterpiece Every moment is fabulousitynessuniqnes Magnificent on blast + actified You are an exquisite blessing matched by no one! Every breath an attribute to be timelessly treasured whenever you have enough energy… Read More »It’s Like This

  • Debbie 

A Recipe for Hope

  • Debbie 

A recipe for finding hope in a valley of unknown. This is not an overnight, snap your fingers, blink of an eye, recipe. Like the many layers, most of us live with, it is gradually built/earned overtime. Unknown in the chronic journey includes many moments… Read More »A Recipe for Hope

  • Debbie 

Why hats matter to me. What began as a cool comfort.. transitioned into comfort into a deeper meaning. I have always been fascinated by our fellow humans on this planet.. their villages, culture, history and humanity. We were meant to love, support, and lift each… Read More »

Sharing The #GPTruthofItAll

  • Debbie 

While we are living our best lives, we sometimes have to do our best in hard situations. We were on a short fishing/photo/walking-trip. As we began our outing today, “Mr GreenFisherMan expedition”–> to find a bow fishing location. We took several photos to remember our… Read More »Sharing The #GPTruthofItAll