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Oh My This Stomach!

The Stomach from Mackes Anatomy   All pictures, crossword, & information from this site along with the crossword.           Please try before moving down the page!💚 😊💚    

Right Now

How do I know you?  I see you! It is ok! I saw you sitting there, trying to be brave!  But it is alright, I know you cannot eat tonight.  No, No, stop pushing the ice in that glass,  Stop trying to put that smile… Read More »Right Now


As I live and breathe I find mists  But not any hope Where did this day go?  Nothing anyone ever taught me prepared me for a day like this.  There were mirrors of proclivity  Leaning over I saw the miles we traveled together branched beyond… Read More »Warrior

What Would You Do? #HR2311

What would you do? If you still wanted to participate in your life? But this silent, unwelcome, hateful, unnamed intrusive invader kept creeping all up into your headspace, personal space, friend space, relationships of any kind or nature. Please imagine with me, if you will,… Read More »What Would You Do? #HR2311

 #HR2311 #4Gabe

I sit & contemplate this life  With love & hate Can you imagine? The number of times it takes to convince yourself everything is okay?  We walk a very thin line but our journey still comes to a place which finds us seeing the kindness,… Read More » #HR2311 #4Gabe

You Are So Beautiful

You are so beautiful my love,  Everything you are is not tied up in what you become & the amount of your income. You are shining my love  Because who you have become has made your light so bright.  You are kind, loving, giving, empathetic… Read More »You Are So Beautiful