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  • Debbie 

Sometimes we have to use our energy/spoons to focus on healing ourselves. In a migraine, it takes every single bit of energy I have to focus on my biofeedback training. I slow my breathing, then my heartbeat, heart rate, and hold it purposely to a… Read More »Focus

How We Advocate

  • Debbie 

Chronic Warriors/Advocates/ #GPReporters โ€“ How We Approach Advocacy How can we advocate with our numerous chronic illnesses, lift our communities by sharing our journey while speaking our truth with a positive voice and an uplifting message? We are, in many ways, ambassadors of chronic. We… Read More »How We Advocate

#Cog 2017

  • Debbie 

I want to be a JOYFUL COG! I love the message of this writing! I was looking for the scriptures with “cog” much to my surprise it was not there! So I had to reference another place for context beyond my own head. ๐Ÿ™‚ There… Read More »#Cog 2017

You Get A-Pole (IV-Fish)

  • Debbie 

I’ll get a pole maybe you’ll get a spoon Lets all meet under a sun or a moon Maybe you’ll get a stick or a fork just don’t get stuck into you or me we’ll all meet up at #TakeABite4GP Or the nearest fishing hole–If… Read More »You Get A-Pole (IV-Fish)

#Tummy โ€œaHaโ€™sโ€

  • Debbie 

We begin our #GPReport this Saturday with an inspirational message to create a #Tummy “aHa!” What in the world is a #Tummy “aHa?” Is this what you are wondering? It is anything, anything …which creates positivity, good, kind, loving, joyful, exciting, anticipation of optimism while… Read More »#Tummy โ€œaHaโ€™sโ€

Cotton Angels

  • Debbie 

Cotton Angels always come Sometimes you donโ€™t always see them You have to look, They are not in the north, Just here, in the south. When we need seeds of love, we look to some southern snow. Cotton angels grow here. Where first you find… Read More »Cotton Angels

How I 9/9/2017

  • Debbie 

I do some things well, I do not do others well at all. We cope with the hardest moments of lives in different ways. Is your way wrong or right? Who am I to say? I choose my way. I pray you choose your way… Read More »How I 9/9/2017

Motility & Co

As I sit & contemplate how to best make an impact as an advocate for the #CureGP journey empower myself & others by being a #GPReporter in our larger #Chronic Community…. I see the trending topics on Twitter and then see a prompt to drop… Read More »Motility & Co