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The Pearls

  • Debbie 

The Pearls Like rose petals Upon the water nurtured diligently by green gifts our oysters have been cultivated by God’s Grace unseen in most, appreciated by more but always priceless, these pearls Like the forever scents of those rose scented cool breezes we are given… Read More »The Pearls

Listening to Beirut

  • Debbie 

August 4, 2020 As we see our day break upon its tenuous dawn, rising….. Sometimes it takes a bit of subtraction to arrive at our solution August 6, 2020 And very early early in the morning the first day of week, they came unto the… Read More »Listening to Beirut


  • Debbie 

Admission Change, maturity, transfer, an understanding through knowledge with compassionate empathy is perhaps our greatest strength and weakness in humanity. What we once thought we truly passionately believed to be true becomes a revelation in our growth – maturity. Were we wrong? Were we mistaken?… Read More »Admission

Becoming Activated

  • Debbie 

Becoming Activated In a minute, second of millisecond, flash of a dart immeasurable by most We can fly, dive, or tunnel our way to a breath more than exhale from an inhale. Becoming, transformed, reflected, maturated, perhaps pasteurized into stability Not even anywhere close to… Read More »Becoming Activated

Social Distancing

  • Debbie 

How Does This Help? We are limited during #SocialDistancing & #StayAtHome, BUT… WE — YOU— Me—US Have been magnificent! #TogetherAtHome has helped our humanity —all of us together!!! Worldwide- we mourn all loss of life & lift our fellow warriors fighting now to stay alive.… Read More »Social Distancing

The Silence We Speak

  • Debbie 

The Silence We Speak The humanity of us all It isn’t inanimate Nor is it invisible We are one nation/ one world/ one for all- all for one The silence we speak or silently never at all as zero and beyond Is the loudest of… Read More »The Silence We Speak

Why I Love

  • Debbie 

Why I Love on the journey It’s a breath we take towards a day An evolved day an encompassing move we pray How we will speak when addressing every aspect about any possible situation it is this breath we breathe The slightest of a response… Read More »Why I Love