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Motility Monday 9/13/2021

  • Debbie 

Motility Monday What we raise for inspiration and motivation to journey forward Can become a spoken blessing for a quality of life and care while seeking cures for our chronic communities. The path we choose to breathe in and out in appreciation with gratitude for… Read More »Motility Monday 9/13/2021

Inherit The Wind

  • Debbie 

In the midst of keeping peace wrapped tip to top and corner to corner of an earthly brain I found myself reflecting on …. – in the small Southern town of Hillsboro, in the 1920s, a school teacher, Bertram Cates, is about to stand trial… Read More »Inherit The Wind

A Minuet

  • Debbie 

A Minuet Within our grasp we hold a tiny bit of breath In each of our lives there are choices we take and choices we make We dance a slow minuet of grace of these breathes we take. A demitasse of a sip we inhale… Read More »A Minuet

Super Sunday Booster

  • Debbie 

Chronic advocacy thought bubble booster to our immunity system. Have you added to your reservoir of positivity and optimism in the last few moments? Every time we seek conscious & subconscious energy lifters we boost our immune system. In turn we boost everyone around us.… Read More »Super Sunday Booster

Why I Love

  • Debbie 

Why I Love on the journey It’s a breath we take towards a day An evolved day an encompassing move we pray How we will speak when addressing every aspect about any possible situation it is this breath we breathe The slightest of a response… Read More »Why I Love

The PeaceBoat Perception

  • Debbie 

The PeaceBoat Perception Everything, every moment of our journey is seen, felt, heard, and unconditionally accepted for ourselves and others by this perception. As we traverse our lives we are comforted by our spirit in our physical journey. What does our spirit-mental, emotional, or an… Read More »The PeaceBoat Perception

A Choice? Nay It Is Not!

  • Debbie 

Your/my appointment/placement on our planet is not your nor my choice/predetermination_ your skin, hair, gender, eyes, are not your doing nor decision. We are here as a united community of humanity. Therein, what we choose to do as a part our mutual membership in this… Read More »A Choice? Nay It Is Not!