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As Mom’s we pray we achieve one goal ..our kids are healthy happy and blessed with the knowledge of how gifted, loved they are and in turn they can do/achieve anything they put their mind to do.. it won’t come easily necessarily but they can… Read More »#MothersDay17

It was 2006

There has been a piece of my Journey I have always hesitated to share with everyone and as I am typing this? I do not know if this will be the moment in which I share this part of my experience or not? Why have… Read More »It was 2006

Spiritual Scales

I could tell you about the days I used bike almost 20 miles or jog daily. I could tell you about the items I had on a list in preparation for a dream hike on the Appalachian Trail. I could tell you about the GT… Read More »Spiritual Scales

Why or What is a “Cheat Eat”

#Gastroparesis = #GP #MotilityDisorders #ChronicIntestinalPseudoObstructionSyndrome #ColonicInertia #MitoChondrialMalabsorption #HR1187 In the #USA TO THEN GO #WorldWide Why we “Cheat eat” while living with a broken, disabled, malfunctioning, in varying degrees of “paralysis” (this word is misleading yet also describes a system failing to work as… Read More »Why or What is a “Cheat Eat”

Survivor Ship

My Survivor Ship My #PeaceBoat philosophy will deeply be challenged this month because it is the first time Mother’s Day will be seeking to set sail on seas without my Mom here on Earth. Yet because my Faith sustains me along with Grace? My #PeaceBoat… Read More »Survivor Ship

Seeing Ourselves

SEEING OURSELVES Living each day with an adversity requires a depth of something more than a glance in the mirror and what it reveals to us in a two-dimensional world. “SEEING OURSELVES” requires an analysis of ourselves along with faith in something other than ourselves… Read More »Seeing Ourselves

A Reminder on #FactFriday

#HR1187 You can Take Action for Digestive Health The Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act of 2017 (HR 1187) was reintroduced in the US House of Representatives, in the 115th Congress, by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (WI-5). This landmark legislation needs your… Read More »A Reminder on #FactFriday