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My Day

As I sit, pray, meditate about the best place to put my love & prayers . (You are all covered by the way) I come to the place I begin in Faith Hope, Optimism, Love, Trust & believing the burden is not mine. See, for… Read More »My Day

Can I do a video in my blog? I really would like to! For #InvisibleIllness! 

​​ Let’s do a Motility Disorder themed everyday of the week! We are on #WarriorWednesday I really like #MotilityMonday (MoveitMonday) #ThankfulTuesday we could do #ToiletTuesday #TubieTuesday followed by #WarriorWednesday then #ThankfulThursday ya know God Bless America cause the colon moved or we have hope!? It… Read More »Can I do a video in my blog? I really would like to! For #InvisibleIllness! 

Not Every But I 

Not every little girl has parents who as members of the AmericanRose society breed cocker spaniels. Nor do they start optimist club’s, begin Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts in every town you move to. Nor did they become a part of a church family and… Read More »Not Every But I 

Did You Know?

If you #TakeABite with a tummy or Digestive Tract which is “normal” ? It goes #swimmingly well! (Minus the occasional virus or upset tummy – but imagine having the flu {without a high fever or a few of the other symptoms} or food poisoning  –… Read More »Did You Know?

Mine Eyes See You

The mountain ahead of you is the desert you have roamed.  Blessings strewn are thrown  cast about without a thought towards  Their meaning in the now but hereafter  Our eyes see but become easily deceived once we find our hearts engaged in the many parts… Read More »Mine Eyes See You


What a miracle looks like,  Is it the Red Sea? Or something you can see? I would propose it is something in front of you and me.  There is a sweet book called  When God Winks  by  Squire Rushnell. God winks are affirmation Miracles in my… Read More »See?

Just This

I could tell you But I would rather show you My love is something that does not come & go The boundaries which I put in place?  Please do not mistake them as a sign of your lack of worth  See them as the self-respect… Read More »Just This