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You are loved

  • Debbie 

You Are So Loved 🙂 Your gift is a priceless one my child, so much so, you must be ever so kind, as to not let others be over-burdened by your presence but still blessed. Let everyone know they are priceless too, then move forward… Read More »You are loved

The Way We Go

  • Debbie 

Wherever we go and whichever we say on whatever day it goes We bring ourselves on every day. As a child my words hung on shelves waiting to be born never knowing but trusting the mustard seeds Seeing love and peace travel backwards and forwards..… Read More »The Way We Go

A Bit of “GP” Food 4 Thought

  • Debbie 

Recipes with Premier Protein Shakes & all of the shakes listed. Below is a pic of one of the smoothies featured with the shakes. One link below gives the info for a low FODmap… Information about Low FODMAP

#FactFriday Reflect

  • Debbie 

While still fully in the midst of an amazingly beautiful journey… Gastroparesis Motility Disorder Awareness Month in Arkansas and August Gastroparesis Awareness Month Nationally. I cannot help but reflect upon on all of the Awareness in its various forms on all of the events &… Read More »#FactFriday Reflect


  • Debbie All things are possible. A thought is an idea waiting to become a reality upon meeting a knowledgeable optimistic person whose paradigms are not defined but beautifully blurred with positivity. dst 8/16/17 It is great connecting with others who know their thoughts and actions… Read More »#WarriorsDazzle


  • Debbie 

#Dazzle4Rare what does Dazzle mean to you?..Let me tell you what it means to me, via rare to turn it up. It means our special “sparkle” which becomes clarified by a genetics test highly suspicioned in our family. Then your Dazzle is confirmed or verified… Read More »#Dazzle4Rare


I cannot trust my memory but I will go with that year.. I heard a book being discussed.. it was “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz … now let me stop ✋🏿 you right now .. if you think I am engaging in heretical… Read More »1/2WAY THERE?

A #FactFriday #BeSeenBeingGreen4GP

Happy #Green4GP to #CureGP #TheEvent #FactFriday y’all are amazing #warriors “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” You know the phrase is legendary and so are y’all! #Patient_Advocates taking confusion, adversity, no’s, dead ends negative thoughts, pessimism and turning it all to the greater good for a better outcome… sometimes… Read More »A #FactFriday #BeSeenBeingGreen4GP