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  • Debbie 

Confidence Making sure confidence isn’t a accomplishment nor an opportunity to undermine ourselves through a collection of past memories. Seeing our futures through a lens of half full, speaking a belief, speak to receive a thought into existence. A philosophy of healing our physical self… Read More »Confidence

Actionable Advocacy

  • Debbie 

Actionable Advocacy Every breath we take is an opportunity. Choosing an unconditional love and support for ourselves and others with each breath is actionable advocacy. We are unique in every way! Therefore our choices, whatever they may be, have begun a journey. We are partaking… Read More »Actionable Advocacy

Listening to Beirut

  • Debbie 

August 4, 2020 As we see our day break upon its tenuous dawn, rising….. Sometimes it takes a bit of subtraction to arrive at our solution August 6, 2020 And very early early in the morning the first day of week, they came unto the… Read More »Listening to Beirut


  • Debbie 

Admission Change, maturity, transfer, an understanding through knowledge with compassionate empathy is perhaps our greatest strength and weakness in humanity. What we once thought we truly passionately believed to be true becomes a revelation in our growth – maturity. Were we wrong? Were we mistaken?… Read More »Admission

Becoming Activated

  • Debbie 

Becoming Activated In a minute, second of millisecond, flash of a dart immeasurable by most We can fly, dive, or tunnel our way to a breath more than exhale from an inhale. Becoming, transformed, reflected, maturated, perhaps pasteurized into stability Not even anywhere close to… Read More »Becoming Activated

It’s Like This

  • Debbie 

It’s like this …. Chronic journey #BeYou! Everyday always 24/7/2020 Everyday is a masterpiece Every moment is fabulousitynessuniqnes Magnificent on blast + actified You are an exquisite blessing matched by no one! Every breath an attribute to be timelessly treasured whenever you have enough energy… Read More »It’s Like This