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Not Even…

The Event #Green4GP to #CureGP We are 15 days from #TheEvent #Green4GP to #CureGP

Humanity with History

GASTROPARESIS/MOTILITY DIGESTIVE DISEASE DISORDERS/AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Millions live with layered digested disease/autoimmune disease/and the effects they bring/thereby reflect the best and the worst of our Global/Local Humanity throughout the history of our shared Humanity. The report card is/has not always been a good one. We seek… Read More »Humanity with History

Chronic Strategy

What are we doing in the #Chronic World on this #TubieTuesday? Do you have a strategy for managing your –> perhaps numerous incurable invisible illlnesses? Over the years I have developed one.. it is no #Expectations what? Right? And will this work for everyone? no!… Read More »Chronic Strategy

Patrick’s Song

A golden tassel Shimmers in the air While our tree frog sings it’s song Only you & I know What they are conversing Like man & woman Bird & frog are not averse We all breathe until our song Becomes another way to guide the… Read More »Patrick’s Song


As Mom’s we pray we achieve one goal ..our kids are healthy happy and blessed with the knowledge of how gifted, loved they are and in turn they can do/achieve anything they put their mind to do.. it won’t come easily necessarily but they can… Read More »#MothersDay17

Picture This~~

1) You are a sink (yet still have emotions) and your plumbing is completely backed up it keeps – seeping- tiny squirts of liquid every now and then (from your bottom) but it is an implosion of stinky backed up vile smells on the sink… Read More »Picture This~~

Thank you, Warriors

Prayer Meditate (Reservoir empty beep beep beep— enter to reset volume)  Some know – some empathize – some are our Warriors in arm in arm! Who know of which we speak,,, the best kind when the energy levels go to -5 (yes a negative 5)… Read More »Thank you, Warriors