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Closing 2016 Opening 2017 

How we close 2016 & open the Gift of 2017 even when we have moments we must overcome living with #ChronicIllness as we in #GPNation  all seek each day to live in our very real diagnosis #MotilityDisorders often accompanied by #AutoimmuneDisorders and with the many support… Read More »Closing 2016 Opening 2017 


I am going to attempt to tell you how I believe the year of 2017 is going to begin, because I think 2016 has been a bumpy road for us but we have made progress. I also believe, in my opinion, we have all made… Read More »2017


How do we remain ourselves in a social media platform where it can be a lil rough at times? We can only share a perspective & thoughts from a viewpoint of patient/advocacy & with the knowledge of a singular “big picture” goal of many in… Read More »Inspired


How we found a way to turn up the volume on a lil cheer, laughter, & happiness! While brain storming about how we (meaning a lot of a community facing many #ChronicIllnesses) can use the lil Santa Elf to (who was patiently waiting in Hobby… Read More »#GPElfie


How did I know?  Your fingerprint told me so.  It said, “She/He is THE ONE!”  The best at all she/he does in all she/he does when moving through life as herself/himself, she/he wins- won!  You say, “Insufficient evidence?” I say, “Oh no, it is not… Read More »How?


Happy Thanksgiving! Because all of you are with all of me I want to share a memory. They say a picture is worth 1000 words or perhaps a  million I wouldn’t know but what I do you know, all of you are with all of… Read More »#AllOfMe 

Did the Tree Speak?

When we speak~~ is it the tree in the woods falling ~~~ages old question & scenario?  Did it make a sound, if no one heard it? This is our vulnerability with a chronic illness. We try to keep our strength up, both emotionally, physically, spiritually,… Read More »Did the Tree Speak?

November 1999

How to use your thoughts of #Optimism #Positivity #Hope to keep #ChronicIllness #MotilityDisorders like #Gastroparesis #ChronicIntestinalPseudoObstruction #ColonInertia #MitochondrialMalabsorption from defining you or more importantly making you more miserable than you need to be. I began my infusion therapies during this time of the year in… Read More »November 1999