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#FactFriday Reflect

  • Debbie 

While still fully in the midst of an amazingly beautiful journey… Gastroparesis Motility Disorder Awareness Month in Arkansas and August Gastroparesis Awareness Month Nationally. I cannot help but reflect upon on all of the Awareness in its various forms on all of the events &… Read More »#FactFriday Reflect


  • Debbie All things are possible. A thought is an idea waiting to become a reality upon meeting a knowledgeable optimistic person whose paradigms are not defined but beautifully blurred with positivity. dst 8/16/17 It is great connecting with others who know their thoughts and actions… Read More »#WarriorsDazzle


I cannot trust my memory but I will go with that year.. I heard a book being discussed.. it was “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz … now let me stop ✋🏿 you right now .. if you think I am engaging in heretical… Read More »1/2WAY THERE?

Let Us Begin

It is quite appropriate to begin at the beginning ~~~ or some semblance thereof ~~~ let’s begin our #GPChronicSuperFabulosityReport with the NEWS….. and The DIAGNOSIS + DIAGNOSIS + DIAGNOSIS + it was as close as we could get in 1999 — the other shoe/shoes would… Read More »Let Us Begin

In 15 days Advocacy is Getting Louder!!!

There is a great moment about to occur in 15 days the green AWARENESS IN THE AIR which has already been ignited by the heroes in the #GPChronicSuperFabulosityWarriors . We began Gastroparesis/Motility Disorder Awareness Month/Week/Day on August 1,2017 WE HAVE 33 State Proclamations and counting – did you hear me right? 33 STATE PROCLAMATIONS and counting…
yes “We are smelling the roses and not feeling the thorns” ….Abraham Lincoln

When many of us began our journey– for myself? It was a diagnosis in 1999 but symptoms preceded this diagnosis for years/ plus it was a two-part diagnosis. I began with Idiopathic Motility Disorder/Part 2 brought AutoImmune and Mito by way of an explanation: Like many of you? I innately knew there were hereditary links to this puzzle which had been coming together for years.
Because this is Awareness Month…
I want to do a simplified version of this Gastroparesis Fighting For a Change and advocate for those who need words to explain. We, as a community, usually fall into two Categories – Diabetic Gastroparesis or Idiopathic Gastroparesis.
There are some of us who have a family which seems to have diabetes passed down through their family like heart disease can run in the family? I know you have all answered these questions in your doctor’s office with the papers questioning you on your mother’s side and on your father’s side about diabetes, heart, cancer, etc.
The idiopathic side of Gastroparesis has been defined for some of us over the years whether it be, a surgery which cut the vagus nerve, or perhaps an infection or like me, it may be another route, like —> mitochondrial Malabsorption which as a result of the mitochondrial Malabsorption disease led to all of the issues I have Gastroparesis, Chronic Intestinal pseudo-Obstruction Syndrome, Colonic Inertia, Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (is a condition in which a change from lying to standing causes an abnormally large increase in heart rate) & Chronic Abdominal migraines.
There are other diseases/disorders or issues which can lead to or cause Gastroparesis and then the complications resulting from repetitive dehydration and malnutrition on your organs can lead to a failure to thrive and/or a loss of life linked to the stress on your organs.
Two years ago if someone had asked you or me if there was a part of the digestive tract hiding in plain sight? I would have said, “No!” You would have Read More »In 15 days Advocacy is Getting Louder!!!


The best of a Mother’s Day can be found with Love here & there. Walking an advocacy journey in truth. I am walking with an intent to help just 1 person. Yet, to help this one person I must keep myself in a place of… Read More »#MothersDay

Survivor Ship

My Survivor Ship My #PeaceBoat philosophy will deeply be challenged this month because it is the first time Mother’s Day will be seeking to set sail on seas without my Mom here on Earth. Yet because my Faith sustains me along with Grace? My #PeaceBoat… Read More »Survivor Ship

Picture This~~

1) You are a sink (yet still have emotions) and your plumbing is completely backed up it keeps – seeping- tiny squirts of liquid every now and then (from your bottom) but it is an implosion of stinky backed up vile smells on the sink… Read More »Picture This~~